WomenReinvent Programme

Take one step at a time but be always one step ahead!

How aware am I of myself?

Deep self-discovery

Who am I?
What don’ t  I know about myself?
What do I value?
What are my beliefs?
What are my strengths?
How do I see myself?
What do I want and need?
How am I special?

What will I get from this module?

Awareness of :
– myself
– my uniqueness
– inner talk
– how people around me percieve and see me
Clarity of my thoughts
Getting to know my values and my preferences
My strenghts and limiting beliefs

How does my behavior support achieving my dreams and goals?

Awareness of my behavior

How do I use my strengths?
What are my basic bahavior models?
What kind of goals do I set?
What does my communication style look like?
What is my attitude to decision-making?
What kind of habits support me to my achieve goals?
What kind of activities am I good at?

What will I get from this module?

Awareness of:
– how my thoughts influence my behavior
– my communication style
Knowledge about how I:
– set goals
– make decisions
– plan my activities

How am I in different relationships / groups?

Relationship building and roles

What values do I share with people near me?
What is my role in family?
What role do I play in friendship?
What is my role in groups or teams?
What is my role in the community?
How do I set the common goals?
How are decisions made around me?
What is not spoken?

What will I get from this module?

Clarity of my roles:
– in family / in groups / in the community
Awareness of :
– how I behave in different groups / teams
– what is holding me back
– what is difficult for me
– how I follow the set rules, regulations, norms
My contribution to the community

How to use my strengths, values, mental models and behavior style
to achieve my goals  in the group?

Value creation in a group

How does my work influence the results in groups?
What is my contribution to the group?
Who do I serve?
What kind of processes can I name?
What kind of rules do I follow in a group?
What kind of value do I create in a group?

What will I get from this module?

Awareness of:
– my place in the world
– my role in my private and work-life
Clarity in:
– my goals
– my actions

Personal coaching session 60 min
How to implement a result-oriented action plan to achieve my goals?

After 4 modules, please arrange a personal coaching session with Marget or Evelyn.
A coaching session will bring you maximum benefit if you make it through during 2 weeks after completing the course.

I am craving transformation and will join the programme